Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly Mission Statement

I decided to change up this blog to cover all subjects that interest me from books to music to sports to politics to gaming to pretty much everything. I'm going to cover a myriad of subjects and describe them in the context of what's good about them, bad about them, and ugly about them. This concept is from something I created about 10 years ago as a fan of the Arizona Cardinals. After each game, I would write up a little blurb about the good, the bad, and the ugly on their performance for that day and post it to their official message board. I continued this with the AFSN(Arizona Sports Fan Network) site. And now, I'm going to add that into every day life. Mind you, I have a habit of not mincing words. I do not sugar coat the truth no matter how painful it is to some. And everything is simply my opinion and if it doesn't jibe with your world view, frankly, I don't care. So sit back, enjoy, and don't be afraid to comment but know that if you piss me off, I will not hold back because I'm not concerned about hurting your feelings. And a final word of warning: political correctness has no home here.

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